La Frase de la Semana

"A veces, uno es el martillo, otras, uno es el clavo..."

sábado, 1 de diciembre de 2007


Hay una gran persona, MUY cercana a mi corazón, que no esta pasando un momento del todo bueno, y espero que esta canción la alegre un poco. Si la queres te mando el archivo, avisame! ;-)


Close your eyes so you don't feel them
They don't need to see you cry
I can't promise I will heal you
But if you want to I will try
To sing this summer serenade
The past is done
We've been betrayed
It's true
Some might say the truth will out
But I believe without a doubt, in you

You were there for summer dreaming
And you gave me what I need
And I hope you find your freedom
For eternity...
For eternity

Yesterday when we were walking
We talked about your ma and dad
What they did that made you happy
What they did that made you sad
We sat and watched the sun go down
Then picked a star before we lost the moon
Youth is wasted on the young
Before you know it's come and gone
Too soon

You were there for summer dreaming
And you gave me what I need
And I know you´ll find your freedom
For eternity...
For eternity

Amigos, prometo que este blog no se va a volver un blog de letras, pero a veces uno encuentra alguna que puede traducir un estado o una situacion determinada en la vida y es bueno compartirlo.

Un abrazo.

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